Is there a deadline to join the Accounting Club?

There is a deadline for dues, but not membership. Students can join throughout the fall or spring semester; however, if dues are not paid by each semester’s deadline, some benefits may be missed. Dues must be PAID by the deadline specified on the “Dues Due” page on this site to have full access to activities such as office visits and club meetings and for scholarships.  If you cannot pay dues by the date specified, contact the Treasurer to discuss your situation.


What is the dress code for meetings and other events?
*Business Casual is recommended for club meetings and office visits.   ***Business Professional is required for Meet the Firms, Mock Interviews, Spring Showcases, and your own interviews with recruiters.  Remember that you only get one chance to make a good first impression.  Career Services operates the Career Closet where students can obtain business suits and other professional attire free of charge:    http://www.careerservices.txstate.edu/Career-Closet-.html

Is a new application required in the spring if I was a member of the Accounting Club in fall?

Yes, students should submit a new application and pay dues each semester (fall & spring).

Where do I submit the membership application form?
The membership application process is completely online.  Apply using the Qualtrics survey on the Membership page and follow the instructions for paying dues. Do NOT submit any paper applications or cash to the Accounting Department. Cash will only be taken by the Accounting Club upon scheduled times or on an individual basis.

What are the membership dues required to join the Accounting Club?
$25 by the deadline per semester to be a student member. The dues are collected at the same time you submit an application.  Using Venmo, you will send a private $25 payment to the Venmo address specified on the Membership page on this site.  We understand that not everyone uses Venmo to make payments. Please contact our Treasurer via an email at accoountingclub@txstate.edu  to make other payment arrangements.

How much is the late fee (for dues) and why is that required?
There are no late fees.

How are the membership dues used?
Dues may be expended for reimbursement of travel costs &/or fees charged by special guest speakers (such as during Business Leadership Week) and for additional speakers’ thank-you gifts. Other expenditures may be made for Accounting Club scholarships awarded in the spring semester and refreshments for members at campus meetings and events hosted by the Accounting Club.

How do I confirm my membership?
Each semester after you pay dues, you will receive an “Invitation” to joint the Accounting Club CANVAS site. You must ACCEPT the invitation. There will be no confirmation email from the Club to you individually. NOTE:  t may take a few days after you submit your application and payment for the CANVAS site to be updated.

Contact the Treasurer for any other questions:  accountingclub@txstate.edu

Is there assigned seating at Accounting Club meetings?
No.  The meetings are usually in a classroom in the McCoy building and you may sit anywhere in the room.  It is very helpful for you to register your Attendance with the Code provided at the start of the meeting.