Fall 2016

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The EY Etiquette Dinner is an annual event held every fall semester. Nearly 100 people attended for networking and a presentation covering both general and formal professional dining etiquette.

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Five Accounting Club students gave a presentation highlighting the unique culture of Texas State University to Holmes High School students. Topics of discussion ranged from time management to resources and from scheduling to activities.

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A new event for students this semester was mock interviews: a unique opportunity to practice and improve their interviewing skills. Representatives from nearly 20 different accounting firms attended the event and interviewed students one-on-one, giving feedback and encouragement.

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This fall, the Accounting Club visited various firms in San Antonio. RSM, BDO, and KPMG were gracious enough to host our students. Throughout the day, students were able to reach out to alumni at each firm to ask detailed questions, gaining insightful information about life as an intern and full-time employee.

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Our highly anticipated Meet the Firms hosted almost 40 accounting firms ranging from the Houston, Austin, and San Antonio areas. The Big Four were represented as well as small and middle-market firms. This event is an important networking opportunity for students as it can help them gain confidence to talk to recruiters directly.